Cloth and Paper Spiral Bound Agenda Review - One Year On

Cloth and Paper Ring Bound Agenda Review - One Year On

You might remember this video, where I unboxed a lovely Cloth and Paper stationery subscription box.  If you want to read all of my reviews on stationery subscription boxes you can see them here.

The 2019 spiral bound agenda was part of the box and I shared my initial thoughts on it previously.  However, I used the 2019 Spiral Agenda for the whole year - carrying it to and from work every day as well!  So I thought I would share my thoughts a year on. 

The Good 
- The rings held up all year, there was no slipping or twisting 
- Paper quality was very good, it held up well all year 
- I enjoyed the weekly layout for the whole year, it gave me a lot of space and grew with me over the year.  I never felt annoyed or frustrated with the weekly layouts. 

Could Be Improved 
- The planner had lost it's shape in transit and it unfortunately never recovered, which meant the pages were slightly off-centre and hung at an angle.  Fortunately this didn't get worse but this would be because I put it in my Desk Agenda and carried it in a planner pouch, I'm definitely precious.  I wish the covers were a bit sturdier. 
- I wish the monthly layouts had the days connected with the dates, not just a list of 1-28 which wasn't sufficient for most of the months of the year (11/12ths of it really). 
- Tabs would be amazing 

Overall I think this was a really good first release of a planner by Cloth and Paper, and although I have a couple of personal preferences/tweaks it definitely held up for the year and I used it every day! 

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