Welcome to 2013 and think about how babies born in this millennium are now teenagers. WTF?! Like seriously...
Well I hope everyone had a lovely Hogmany (what we call New Year's Eve here in Scotland). Mine was super chilled out but nice. Then today we had a clan gathering- it was my Uncle's 50th Birthday today so he had rented out some holiday homes so we went up and chilled out and ate a horrendous amount of food.
Here's a funny wee snap from today-
We seem to have got the tall genes anyway.
Really nice day today but I am so so so knackered right now, just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year.
My Exciting News:
I was lucky enough to win the CM styling competition which is really exciting, meaning I get to pick an item of clothing from her store (find it here by the way).
Going to have a wee think- and of course when I get it expect a shoot and bog post!
My winning entry was:
You can read my full blog post and see all the shoot here.
You should check it out because I am running away now, I will do a proper blog soon.
To demonstrate my levels of pathetic-ness here is an OOTD
We have:
- the trusty yellow welly socks, these are Jack Wills and I live in JW socks. So comfy.
- standard black leggings
- white long shirt from New Look many moons ago
- black waist belt from River Island
- grey knitted cardigan from H&M
- furry faux fur scarf which is so soft and super warm! This bad boy was from H&M again, but this time in Norway. Which means although it was on sale it was still ridiculously expensive. It's okay because it is soft.
Rightio guys, I'm off.
So sleepy!
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