They Both Die At The End Book Review

They Both Die At The End Book Review liquid grain
They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera is a truly beautiful book, so filled with emotion and built on an ingenious idea.  The premise of the book is that the day you are going to die you receive a call from the agency, letting you know. 

What you do with this information is up to you, but for Mateo and Rufus they decide to use an app to find company on the last day. 

As the two go through their last day together, it's a beautiful and compelling tale of friendship, love and ultimately loss.  

I read this book four years ago, and am only getting around to writing this review now.  However, I can remember it so well - including how I listened to the final chapters on my way to work and had to wait in the car as I had been crying so hard when I arrived! 


  1. They Both Die at the End" by Adam Silvera is a compelling exploration of mortality, friendship, and seizing the moment. Following Mateo and Rufus, who discover they have less than 24 hours to live, the novel delves into their emotional journey as they form a deep bond. Silvera's skillful character development and poignant narrative make this book a captivating read, leaving readers contemplating life's fragility and the importance of meaningful connections. For students seeking assistance with assignments, reliable services like assignment helpers UKcan offer support in academic tasks.

  2. It took me four years to read this book, and I'm only now getting around to writing a review. But I remember everything so well, including Best Diesel Generator Company Karachi how I listened to the last chapters on my way to work and had to wait in the car because I was weeping so much when I got there!

  3. This has been four years to read this book, and Iam the superior now getting about to writing a review. But I remember everything so well, including the best accounting essays online how I heard to the last chapters on my way to work and had to wait in the car because I was crying so much when I got there!


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