Callanish (Calanais) Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis

Callanish Calanais Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis liquid grain harris

When we visited the Lewis and Harris last summer, we had plenty to see and do and one thing which appears on every "to-do" list is the standing stone circle at Calanais or Callanish. 

These Neolithic standing stones are really quite special and some of the more impressive standing stones I've been lucky enough to visit.  They were built between 2900 and 2600BC and still here today! This makes them older than Stonehenge!

It's quite tricky to take photos of them (although I imagine a drone shot would be amazing) but think we did okay here!

Callanish Calanais Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis liquid grain harris
Calanais Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis liquid grain harris
Calanais Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis liquid grain harris


  1. Absolutеly mеsmеrizing! Thе standing stonе circlе at Calanais is a tеstamеnt to thе incrеdiblе craftsmanship and ingеnuity of our ancеstors. Visiting Lеwis and Harris last summеr was an unforgеttablе еxpеriеncе, and Calanais stood out as a highlight. Thе agе of thеsе Nеolithic stonеs, prеdating еvеn Stonеhеngе, adds an еxtra layеr of awе. Trying to capturе thеir majеsty in photos was a challеngе, but thе mеmoriеs arе vivid. Also, I rеcеntly discovеrеd thе Best Essay Writing Service, which has bееn a lifеsavеr for my acadеmic pursuits!

  2. The standing stones of the Isle of Lewis stand as timeless sentinels, whispering tales of ancient mysteries and cultural heritage. These weathered monoliths, crafted by human hands centuries ago, evoke a profound sense of wonder and curiosity. Amidst the windswept landscapes, they stand in stoic silence, inviting travelers to contemplate their significance and marvel at the ingenuity of those who erected them. These enigmatic structures, with their inherent aura of history and folklore, continue to captivate hearts and minds, preserving a connection to a distant past that still resonates with awe-inspiring power.


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