03 Dec 19
Blenheim Palace in Black and White
Blenheim Palace is an iconic location in Oxfordshire - one of the largest country homes in England. Built in the 18th Century, there is loads to see and do there - from standalone events and the year-long sights.
This summer was the first time we visited the palace; we went with Matty's family and it was a really interesting (although kinda expensive day out). As good as the house was, it's somewhere I probably wouldn't go back straight away.
The grounds, however, are a completely different story - they are amazing for dog walks!
We have started going to Blenheim pretty regularly for dog walks, as it's a nice slice of countryside. These pictures are from a couple of weeks ago when it was quite murky and drizzly, but I still like them.
One thing I would note is that the events and logistics teams at Blenheim seem to be quite poorly organised and executed - with the parking being a nightmare most weekends.... (you may have seen my grumbles on my Twitter).
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