Snow Dog

Spring snow brings the best light, don't you think?

How to know when to rewax your Barbour

When we were in St Andrews recently, we took these sun-flare filled photos!  And although I think they are quite cute pictures of me - the Barbour jacket is clearly the main event!  

I have a few Barbour waxed jackets now and have been asked a few times about the maintenance of them - so I thought I…

Photos to take in St Andrews, Scotland

In addition to having some attractive doors to take pictures of (see here), St Andrews have plenty of beautiful sights to see and photos to take.  

Even better, I've confined the below list to the town of St Andrews only, which means they are all within walking distance of each other and you cou…

The Doors of St Andrews

When it comes to doors in St Andrews there are a good few to choose from.  You just have to walk through the town centre - however, don't stick to the main streets of Market, North and South. 

Instead, you want to zig-zag between them, cut down alleyways that look private at first glance but the…

Kit for a Weeklend in Glencoe

I get quite a few questions about what is our go-to outdoor kit, so I thought I'd share our kit list for a few days in Glencoe!

We were in Glencoe in February but it was quite mild, so although we have quite a lot packed it's not extreme weather wear! 

You'll notice we have a few go-to br…