Well this is a bit of a mixed review, what did you think of Cheryle Strayed's memoir of her walk of the Pacific Crest Trail?
As you will be able to tell from my YouTube review below, I did like several aspects of the book but it was missing a little somat-somat!
What's it about:
Wild is the memoir by Cheryl about her walk of the Pacific Crest Trail, as the first solo woman to do it. Along the way she has an emotional journey as well, which helps her come to terms with several things in her life, including her mother's death.
What I liked:
I really liked Cheryl's interactions with the other hikers, they seemed authentic; she was also really good at writing the more intimate scenes.
What I didn't:
I didn't really click with Cheryl's emotional backstory, I found it almost cheesy in places. I wished there was more content around the actual walking bits, rather than what happened before it.
What did you think of Wild? I'd love to hear your opinions down below!
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