You might remember that I recently got a puppy (if you don't then where have you beeeen? And you can check it out here) and she's super cute. Now a month on I thought I would reflect on the 10 things I have learnt in the first month of owning Hetty:
Do you have a puppy? What have you learnt from owning a little ball of fur?
1 - Puppies Are Like Babies
Puppies are like babies in many ways- they play hard, they sleep hard and they need a lot of attention. All you baby mummas and papas are amazing I don't know how you do it!
2 - Your Floor Suddenly Becomes A Danger Zone
Anything she can eat she will eat. Things I haven't seen since 2009 suddenly appear in her mouth as she trots around the corner looking very pleased with herself.
3 - A "Clean House" Stops 7/8 Of The Way Down
Now when I clean I don't even take the floor level into account- even when I have given it a vacuum I know that it will be covered in dog toys in minutes!
4 - Getting Chased Is Fun
If you were to ask Hetty what her favourite hobbies are I think "being chased" would easily make the Top 3. She loves getting a good run around the house and hiding behind sofas.
5 - Eating Poo Is Super Super Fun
Ranking even higher is eating poo. Eating poo is loads of fun- and trying loads of different poo is important. I have also had to pull a lot of poo out of her mouth. Judging from Hetty's keen-ness on various poo I have devised a Poo Rank List:
1) Horse Poo - definitely the best poo
2) Sheep Poo - strong contender
3) Bird Poo - interesting option
4) Cow Poo - only when there's nothing else going
6 - They Sleep, You Sleep - Or Work
If you have a puppy you can't have late nights and long lie ins, you need to be on a puppy friendly schedule which means sleeping when they sleep. However puppies do need a lot of sleep so you can also use this time for work and actually getting on with things.
7 - Dirty Laundry = Best Thing EVER
My dirty laundry, shoes and pretty much anything which smells of me is the best thing ever!
8 - Spending So Much Money
Suddenly I'm finding myself spending so much money - not just on the usual things like vets and food but silly things like cat houses for her to sleep in, blankets etc.
9 - Quiet-ness Has Never Been So Scary
If you have a puppy you will know that the scariest thing about owning one is QUIET. Quiet times only happen if something bad or potentially dangerous is happening.
10 - Having Something Furry To Cuddle
It's been so long since we have had a puppy in the house that I had forgotten how nice it is to have a fur baby to cuddle, and puppies are just so cute!
Remember to follow Youtube Facebook Instagram Twitter to keep up to date with Hetty and our other furry friends!
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