I saw this A-Z Book Challenge floating around the internet, so I thought I would give it a go!
In case you didn't know, I am a huge book buff! I love books and read so so much!
I even have a very underused Book section here on my blog and here on my Youtube.
A - Author You've Read The Most Books From
Probably Robert Jordan as part of the Wheel of Time Series or Arthur Canon Doyle.
B - Best Sequel Ever
This is a hard one! Stephanie Meyer's New Moon probably wins in relative terms- from the first to the second this was a good step up!
C - Currently Reading
The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine by Yaroslav Trofimov.
D - Drink of Choice When Reading
Whatever's going, usually fruit juice!
E - E-reader of Physical Books
Both! Whatever is cheaper on Amazon really! Kindle on my commute always though, and I collect beautiful physical of copies as well.
F - Fictional Character You Want To Date
I'm totally a sucker for pretty much all book men! However my current crush is Damon from Vampire Diaries.
G - Glad You Gave This Book A Chance
John Dies At The End by David Wong- I normally don't like funny books but this was great.
H - Hidden Gem Book
Erm.... The Woodcutter by Kate Danly
I - Important Moments of Your Reading Life
Finishing Les Mis- pretty much my ultimate book achievement!
J - Just Finished
Before Siege of Mecca I was reading Lady Chatterly's Lover by DH Lawrence
K - Kinds of Books You Won't Read
Horrors and comedies usually.
L - Longest Book You've Read
Les Mis- so proud!
M - Major Book Hangover
The Wheel of Time Series- after 14 books believe me I was committed to Rand and co!
N - Number of Bookcases
3, four shelves on each
O - One Book You Have Read Multiple Times
The Sherlock Holmes series- always!
P - Place To Read
Anywhere, everywhere but my favourite is in bed.
Q - Quote
I'm not a big quote person, so don't really remember quotes.
R - Reading Regret
Recently Dead Romantic by Ruth Saberton- so bad.
S - Series Still To Finish
A Song of Ice and Fire- primed and waiting!
T - Top Three
Alice in Wonderland, Portrait of Dorian Gray, The Jungle Book.
U - Unaplogetic Fangirl For...
Like I said, Damon from Vampire Diaries. But also a big fan of the Alex Rider series- once my brother and I went to a book signing and we were literally the oldest people there.
V - Very Excited For
A Song of Ice and Fire!
W - Worst Book
Er... so many trashy books out there!
X - X Marks The Spot (Where are you now?)
On the sofa!
Y - Your Latest Purchase
A beautiful set of F Scott Fitzgerald hardbooks.
Z - ZZZ Snatcher - keeps you up at night
Pretty much any book I am currently reading, believe me!
Are you going to do the A-Z book challenge? Leave me a link down below!
In case you didn't know, I am a huge book buff! I love books and read so so much!
I even have a very underused Book section here on my blog and here on my Youtube.
A - Author You've Read The Most Books From
Probably Robert Jordan as part of the Wheel of Time Series or Arthur Canon Doyle.
B - Best Sequel Ever
This is a hard one! Stephanie Meyer's New Moon probably wins in relative terms- from the first to the second this was a good step up!
C - Currently Reading
The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine by Yaroslav Trofimov.
D - Drink of Choice When Reading
Whatever's going, usually fruit juice!
E - E-reader of Physical Books
Both! Whatever is cheaper on Amazon really! Kindle on my commute always though, and I collect beautiful physical of copies as well.
F - Fictional Character You Want To Date
I'm totally a sucker for pretty much all book men! However my current crush is Damon from Vampire Diaries.
G - Glad You Gave This Book A Chance
John Dies At The End by David Wong- I normally don't like funny books but this was great.
H - Hidden Gem Book
Erm.... The Woodcutter by Kate Danly
I - Important Moments of Your Reading Life
Finishing Les Mis- pretty much my ultimate book achievement!
J - Just Finished
Before Siege of Mecca I was reading Lady Chatterly's Lover by DH Lawrence
K - Kinds of Books You Won't Read
Horrors and comedies usually.
L - Longest Book You've Read
Les Mis- so proud!
M - Major Book Hangover
The Wheel of Time Series- after 14 books believe me I was committed to Rand and co!
N - Number of Bookcases
3, four shelves on each
O - One Book You Have Read Multiple Times
The Sherlock Holmes series- always!
P - Place To Read
Anywhere, everywhere but my favourite is in bed.
Q - Quote
I'm not a big quote person, so don't really remember quotes.
R - Reading Regret
Recently Dead Romantic by Ruth Saberton- so bad.
S - Series Still To Finish
A Song of Ice and Fire- primed and waiting!
T - Top Three
Alice in Wonderland, Portrait of Dorian Gray, The Jungle Book.
U - Unaplogetic Fangirl For...
Like I said, Damon from Vampire Diaries. But also a big fan of the Alex Rider series- once my brother and I went to a book signing and we were literally the oldest people there.
V - Very Excited For
A Song of Ice and Fire!
W - Worst Book
Er... so many trashy books out there!
X - X Marks The Spot (Where are you now?)
On the sofa!
Y - Your Latest Purchase
A beautiful set of F Scott Fitzgerald hardbooks.
Z - ZZZ Snatcher - keeps you up at night
Pretty much any book I am currently reading, believe me!
Are you going to do the A-Z book challenge? Leave me a link down below!
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Thanks for taking the time to comment, I read every one!