Colour Run

A little bit of a different post today, but I'm asking for your help! 

In June my mum, brother and I are all going to do our first 5k but to make it a little more fun we are doing a colour run.  I'm sure you've seen the pictures - powdered paint gets thrown everywhere while you run through it.  It looks amazing!  

We're doing our run in aid of the Applegarth Wildlife Sanctuary, which is a small facility close to us which performs vital research and work with all sorts of wildlife but especially birds.  One big part of their work is ringing and measuring birds before releasing them again, Mum has become really involved with this as a trainee.  We would really like to donate something to Applegarth as it relies so heavily on donations and voluntary work!  

So I'm asking you guys if you could possibly take the time to donate to us by clicking here.  The smallest donation is just £2 and we'd appreciate that so much!  Of course I will keep you all updated with it and post lots of pictures.  

If you do manage to donate pop a comment down below and I will organise a give away for at least one person - I'm thinking jewellery and other knick knacks!  

Thank you so much! 

Here is me looking colourful but not sporty! 
