Updated Nylon Collection


So last night I decided to update my Collection tab up there ^ at the top.  Mainly because I got all creeped out because it used to link to MyTightPantz where you could see my full name / facebook profile picture.  

Low and behold my new NYLON COLLECTION page, look at my poor offerings here.

I also did a little picture gallery so people can see what they look like on M girls and so I can remind myself of what I actually look like.  

Here is an unrelated picture 

Because me and the boy went to my local Wildlife and Wetlands Trust and saw all the birds.  
I love going there because there are a gizillion (yes an actual gizillion) swans there.  And they go mental when it's their feeding times- so fun.  

I took two and a bit films of it so can't wait to get them developed!  And one black and white one which will be SEXY.  

Rightio it's snowing outside so I am going to go do a shoot in the snow and get some food.  

