Arena Flowers Subscription Review - Peonies

arena flower subscription peonies peony liquidgrain liquid grain

As you might have seen recently on Instagram, I have started subscribing to a flower delivery service from Arena Flowers - and thought I would share a quick review of them. 

These beautiful peonies were my first delivery from Arena Flowers - and I'm really pleased with them! 

I was drawn to Arena Flowers in the first instance because of their competitive pricing - only £20 a delivery including postage!  
arena flowers subscription liquid grain liquidgrain peony peonies

When I saw that peonies were up next for delivery, I was excited - particularly when they announced they were Sarah Bernhardt peonies!  

These big, pink, fluffy beauties are my absolute favourites.  However, I know that they can be pricey so I wasn't expecting all that many.  So I was very VERY pleased to see how many  arrived.  There was 19 stems plus foliage - an amazing size of bouquet! 

I was also really impressed that all the blooms were nice and closed, which meant I got a good couple of weeks out of them! 

arena flower peony subscription liquidgrain liquid grain

If you want to try Arena Flowers, please use my referral link here - this means that I get a voucher if you decide to purchase. 

Also to show the real life- here are the peonies on our scaffolding, our BTS reality.

arena flower peony subscription liquidgrain liquid grain
arena flower peony subscription liquidgrain liquid grain
