On today's episode of the Hetty blog (or what I might as well rename this blog given my recent Hetty heavy posting), I have decided to share some facts you might not know about dachshunds!
1 - They might be small but dachshunds have a mighty hunting instinct! In fact they were bred in Germany to hunt badgers, and the miniature version (which Hetty is) specialised in rabbits!
Anyone who owns a dachshund will attest to this instinct, as they have a keen scent-sensitivity and given half a chance will disappear after a rabbit or bird!
2 - Dachshunds have massive personalities!
Even though Hetty weighs less than 5kg she has a big personality - she knows exactly what she likes and is usually smart enough to figure out how to get it. Although I love this about her, for the unexpecting owner this can be a bit of a handful. They can be escape artists - sneaking through tiny gaps and even climbing up walls and counters!
3 - Due to the risk of back problems it is recommended that you shouldn't neuter or spay dachshunds until they are fully grown - 12-24 months.
I'm not a vet but you can find more information here. The latest rescue suggests that early neutering can result in almost double the risk of IVDD (the back disease with devastating consequences). Most vets recommend early neutering in the UK at six months but you can make your own decision.
4 - The first cloned dog in Britain was a dachshund called Winnie!
Isn't that a cute and fun fact!
5 - Waldi the dachshund was also the first Olympic mascot!
The 1972 Olympics in Munich was the first Olympic Games to have an animal mascot - and they made the very wise decision to choose a dachshund.

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