Not many people could tell you where the mos southerly point in Scotland is, but then again most people don't read my blog (sob... please share with your friends )
The Mull of Galloway marks Scotland's southerly points with a historic lighthouse - which has a foghorn which still sounds to this day due to the treacherous coast and multiple currents which go around the Mull.
Some Mull facts:
- There are SO many birds here, even when the weather is terrible and there is a gale force wind you can still find a lot of wildlife. The folks at the RSPB hut are super helpful in pointing things out - and there is also a number of field cams around the Mull and the cliffs which you can control
- It's free to visit and has a great cafe/tearoom on site!
- You can often see the Isle of Man and Ireland on a clear day
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