Eve of Man is the first of a YA trilogy written by husband-wife team Giovanna and Tom Fletcher. I first listened to it on audio book on Audible but liked it so much I bought the hardbook version, however that doesn't make it perfect!
The book is set in a dystopian British future, where no women have been born for 50 years until EVE! Eve is the focus of the book and it kicks off just before her 16th birthday where she's getting ready to be married off and start repopulating the world!
However, best laid plans and all... Eve actually falls in love with the boss' son Bram (who also narrates some of the chapters from his point of view). Things kick off, Bram eventually has to rescue Eve after joining a bunch of rebels! Lots of action and then a predictable cliff hanger to set us up for books two and three.
There are several aspects I really enjoyed in the book, such as:
- the dystopian concept itself
- the use of London iconic locations
- Eve and Bram were very well developed
However, I do have some points that don't sit well with me:
- although Eve and Bram were well developed, the supporting characters could have done with more work
- the plot hole of Eve being the forbidden fruit for Bram, even though he's the boss' son
- the middle portion where Eve and Bram met but they weren't "doing" anything seemed to drag on
- some of the writing was a little amatuerish, and seemed more like they were writing for impressive movie scenes rather than the scenes the story needed, which also made me question how the Fletchers got a trilogy deal (with my conclusion being they are celebs)
If you would like to see my full review you can see it on YouTube or below:
Have you read Eve of Man? What did you think about it?
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