How To Use Farm Land In Lookbooks and Outfit Photographs

Tis the season for bloggers to flock to the countryside and take photos of their pretty outfits in the countryside.  And often that means heading to farmed or agricultural land...  Whilst these photos look lovely, there is ramifications to marching into a field of crops and prancing around like a forest pixie in it!  

So here is my quick guide on how to shoot outfit posts, lookbooks and photos in farm lands, and on behalf of us country folk- thanks for bearing it in mind before hitting the land!

Know The Law
First things first, know the law!  Be familiar with what is legal in your country regarding access.  Even within the UK, here in Scotland we have different laws regarding public access to land.  We are pretty lucky and are entitled to a lot more access than our fellow Brits, but make sure you know the law.  

Even if you are entitled to access legally, common sense must always prevail!  Be careful and respectful when accessing farm, agriculature or privately owned forests!
ALWAYS leave gates how you found them.  If you found it open, leave it open and if it was closed leave it closed.  

If you are going to climb a gate then climb it at the hinges so you don't damage it.  Similarily when climbing fences stick to as close to the posts as possible.
Be careful when there is livestock in the fields- and you might not be able to see them if it is a large field.  This is particularly true for bulls!  When entering fields with a dog keep it on a lead- farmers can shoot dogs if they are worrying livestock. 

At this time of year there will often be animals with their young, and I would recommend avoiding these fields.  There is nothing more fierce than a mumma protecting her baby!  

If you are in a field with livestock I would recommend walking around the edges of the field.
If you are after the shot where you are surrounded by summery crops, such as in these pictures where I am flouncing around in some barley.  However crops are the livelihood of farmers and don't just go stomping around and flattening them!  

So how do you get these photos?  It's actually quite simple- stand in the tracks of the tractor!  And have your photographer stand at the edge of the field or in different tracks.  As you are surrounded by the crop you get your photograph without damaging anything!

Let me know how you get on with your summery, countryside photos!  I would love to see them, so leave links to your posts down below.
