Right, this is the last round up post- I promise! But instead of being blog related I thought I would look at my YouTube channel and analyse my most popular videos for you!
My most popular video is: Best Shampoo Ever!
I started really getting into my YouTube channel when I was living in France last year, there was times where I felt a little bit lonely so I threw myself into my hobbies. But unfortunately I couldn't really blog as much as I would like to so I got into YouTube.
I really loved this shampoo- especially in a polluted city- so I had to rave about it and I'm glad that people find it helpful!
Next up is Barnes and Nobles Leatherbound Classics Review
I'm actually really annoyed that this video is still so popular! It is literally one of the first ever videos I ever filmed! I didn't know how to edit, so it is literally one cut- I am sitting on my unmade bed with an offensive t-shirt on!
I should really make another one of these videos, especially because I now have a couple more of the Barnes and Noble Leatherbound books so I should really review them! I really love books so I want to try and include them on my channel more often!
And then- Girls of Riyadh Review
This is another video I don't really like- I feel like even though I have put more work into my newer videos they just don't get the views! So something I need to work on this year.
Number 4 is Picking Up My Puppy
Finally! One that I still really like! Picking up Hetty the dachshund puppy was such a fun day and I love her so much so I am happy to see that she has made the Top 5!
And finally, my 5th most popular video of the year is my Kuwait Vlog#
I had a great time in Kuwait and although my camera broke after a couple of days I managed to put together a little video! I would go back in a second and it's nice to have some engagement from Kuwaitis on my video!
There we have it, my honest opinion on my YouTube videos! Thank you again for watching my stuff, I really do appreciate it!
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