Oh it's so nice to have this summery weather again! Although I must admit I took this jumper off straight afterwards - I was way too warm after prancing about in our meadow with it on!
You might have seen me prancing about in my behind the scenes look video which I posted on Instagram. What do you think about it? It was my first go at one of these sort of things, so I would love to know if you would like to see them now and then on instagram or not?
We shot this look right outside my house (I'm from the country in case you hadn't noticed). We haven't had any of our own animals on our land for a few years now but this is the first summer we've let it grow long and wild. It looks messy but magical! And there is another reason except from laziness- to help our local butterfly population.
This meadow is our very own butterfly sanctuary and let me tell you there is now loads of butterflies hiding in our meadow! So many different colours and sizes! I will try and get some photos for you but they move so quickly.
So I disturbed our butterflies while I pranced around, I wore:
Topshop skirt
Jack Wills jumper
ASOS headband
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