Moving To Lyon, France

Big news!  I'm moving to Lyon, France!  

It's very exciting and rather unexpected- I applied for a summer internship however heard nothing back until June when they asked if I could go over to France for nine months! 

This is really exciting and I can't wait to go over.  However it will involve a lot of changes for me, primarily moving to France.  And this is where I need your help - if you have any tips about moving to France and house hunting then please tell me, especially if it is Lyon specific!  

If you have any travel advice about Lyon I would also love to hear about it - where to go, what to see, everything!  If you want you can email me or tweet me! 

The next couple of weeks will be a little hectic for me since I will have to get ready to move and find a place to live and learn French - sodds law at school I did German and Spanish and at university some Arabic but never French! 

Doesn't Lyon look pretty?  This picture is from The Telegraph and looks lovely! 


  1. That's so exciting! Congratulations! My degree is in History & French, so I spent a year in France for my third year. I live way up in the North though, in Picardie. I've never been to Lyon, unfortunately, although I'm told it's great. If you have any specific questions about living in France, just tweet me @graduategoddess - let me know if you need any help with the French! xxx

    1. Thank you! Some things are just so different! What I am struggling with is finding a place to live because you need a French guarantor but my parents are British so if you have any tips for that that would be great! xxx


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