Down By The River

And so we are here, down by the river again!  With weather like this how could we not be down by the river?  

I half did a look but this is more of a non-look post, I just thought I would share to you one of the places I really like coming to.  It's one of the places where I really like walking down with Tess, there's a bridge to sit and dangle your feet off and its a perfect place to throw sticks for Tess into the river - she loves bombing into it.  

So we wandered down to the river and sat on the bridge - don't I look happy and summery?  

Then I moved over to the other bank of the river to try and show you my outfit without the sun blinding the camera, it's pretty simple but I am wearing: 

H&M French Bulldog top

Thrifted / DIY shirt 

Black Milk Clothing Fairy Paint Leggings 


  1. I love your fairy paint leggings x

  2. The Fairy Paint Leggings look lovely!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can find the details here on my blog: Miss Blue Eyes


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