Silent Sunday

5 Mega Adventures On My Bucket List

This post is in collaboration with Trek America who asked me to think about the travel I want to do, so I thought I would construct this post around 5 mega adventures on my bucket list. 

8 Pet Photography Tips & Dachshund Woodland Photo Shoot

pet photography tips dachshund photo shoot dog liquidgrain liquid grain
I know what you are all thinking, "Kathryn, I would really like to see more pictures of your dachshund puppy Hetty- the pictures you post on your instagram and her OWN instagram (@liquidgrainpets) are just not enough.  Give me more!"

Well I am here to do just that for you- more Hetty the dachshund pictures, more cuteness and all in a woodland setting!  In addition to the bundle of cuteness I will also be sharing my top tips for pet photography and how we get pictures of both Hetty and Tilly the cocker spaniel. 

The Heart of Darkness - Book Club / Review

You may remember that I used to do more regular book reviews / book club style of posts and videos on YouTube, but it's been ages!  And now I'm finally getting around to doing this one focused on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. 

Silent Sunday

Summer Holiday Playlist

This post is in collaboration with HMV, who carry a great selection of vinyls which are perfect for summer! 

They asked me to share my summer holiday playlist and you have to promise not to judge my pretty cringe taste in music...

St Marie de la Mer Photo Diary

st marie de la mer photo diary liquid grain liquidgrain blog
More South of France photos!  I know, I'm terrible person for spamming you but I have pretty photos and I am way behind on posts.  So here is a my photo diary from the very picturesque town of St Marie de la Mer. 

Singl-end Cafe - Bakehouse, Glasgow Review

singl-end cafe bakehouse glasgow scotland review liquid grain liquidgrain

Singl-end Cafe and Bakehouse in Glasgow is a quirky, retro style cafe near the Glasgow School of Art with delicious brunch and lunch choices, even better cakes and plenty of gluten-free and vegan options to choose from.  

Silent Sunday

Creatures of the Camargue

camargue horses horse white liquid grain liquidgrain sunset kathryn
The area of the Camargue in the South of France is ridiculously beautiful, however it also is home to many wonderful animals!  

Graduation Pictures- The University of St Andrews

As I mentioned a little while ago (here) I recently graduated from the University of St Andrews (eek), so I thought I would share a couple of pictures from it now! 

Wedding OOTD - Navy Dress and Crocodile Bag (VIDEO)

A wee while ago I went to a wedding, so I thought I would share my outfit with you- featuring a navy lace dress and my antique crocodile bag!

Silent Sunday

The Gypsy Festival at Ste Marie de la Mer, France

While I was recently in St Marie de la Mer in France we planned our visit to coincide with the gypsy festival.  So I thought I would tell you a little but about it and share my photos.

5 Things To Do On A Rainy Summer Day

This post is in collaboration with the web series Reverse Engineers. 

Although it's now supposedly summer, noone seems to have told the weather that!  Although we initially had a spate of good weather, it's shifted back to cold and rain!  So I thought I would put together a list of 5 things to do on a rainy summer day.

Silent Sunday