Leafy Dogs

dachshund cocker spaniel on leafy tree liquidgrain liquid grain
This is one of my favourite pictures we've taken of Hetty in ages - she looks so alert and there's a reason for it... 

Hetty has a few facial expressions in her modelling portfolio (which you can see here), which are 90% motivated by treats or the word "chicken".  Some are better than others as sometimes she looks a little worried (because she doesn't have the amount of chicken she would like). 

However, this pose it stimulated by something completely different - and it's a prompt I can only use once in a session.  It's "kitty cat"; once you say those magic words Hetty is switched on and ready to go!  But I can only say it once because after a couple of snaps she had to get down and look for the cat... luckily no cats in the woods!

dachshund cocker spaniel on leafy tree liquidgrain liquid grain
dachshund cocker spaniel on leafy tree liquidgrain liquid grain
dachshund cocker spaniel on leafy tree liquidgrain liquid grain
dachshund cocker spaniel on leafy tree liquidgrain liquid grain
