The Next Gins I Want to Buy

Although I don't usually have to say this - please consider the legal requirements of your country in relation to alcohol when reading this post/clicking the links

The good weather we have been having recently has made me think about gin! 

Although I'm not a big drinker and very rarely drink, when I do I enjoy a fancy gin and tonic.  With all my recent moves (three city moves in less than a year: Dundee-Home, Home-Birmingham, Birmingham-Oxford), I have a severely depleted alcohol collection which is still up at home.  

So I got my bullet journal out and I thought I would make a spread with all the gins I want to buy sometime in the future.  I was quite proud of my messy attempt so I thought I would share it with you - and if you have any gin recommendations please let me know down below! 

N.B. Some of these links are affiliate links, see my PR page for more information. 
